The Radishes


Simon always went to the vegetable market with his mother. There, he had befriended a vegetable vendor, Fin. Fin was an intelligent man and told Simon all about vegetables. He would also tell Simon fun tales and encouraged him to eat vegetables. One day, Simon went to the market after two weeks, looking very pale. “What happened to you, my little friend?” asked Fin, “You look all yellow.” Simon told Fin that he had had viral fever and indigestion. “Oh you poor chap!” said Fin. “Let’s make you all well again. Here take these radishes. They are high in Vitamin C and will help prevent viral fever. In fact, they have a calming effect on the digestive system and will help stop indigestion.” Saying thus, Fin packed a bag full of radishes for Simon to eat at home. Simon thanked Fin and headed home, happy that Fin was his good friend.

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