The Rag Doll


There was a small toy store on Downey Street. Its shelves were packed with toys. Many children visited the store every day and bought toy trucks, mini cars, squeaky animals and dolls. Ruby, the rag doll, watched everyone from a corner. None wanted to buy her because one of her arms was broken. But all that was set to change. On a rainy day, a girl walked into the shop with her mother. Her eyes twinkled when she saw Ruby. “Mommy, that’s the one I want,” she cried. Her mother told, “But it has only one arm.” The shopkeeper tried to reason with her. “Mommy shall stitch it on,” said the girl. The little girl took Ruby home. Her mother stitched Ruby’s arm and gave her a new silk dress. “She looks so pretty. Thank you, Mommy!” said the girl. ‘She is so kind. I am in good hands,’ thought Ruby.

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