A royal horse was taken to a pool to be washed. Now, just before the arrival of the royal horse, a filthy horse had been washed there. The royal horse sniffed the air and knew that the pool was dirty and stinking. He turned up his nose in disgust and refused to get washed. The grooms complained to the king that the royal horse was being stubborn. Now, the king had a minister who understood animals. The king told him to sort out the matter. The king was worried that the horse might be sick. The minister went to the pool. He found the horse perfectly healthy. He saw the unclean pool and guessed everything. Then, he told the grooms, “He is a fine horse and loves cleanliness. Take him to a clean place and give him a bath.” The minister went to the king and said, “Sir, the horse is absolutely fine. It is indeed a royal horse.” The king rewarded the minister.
The Royal Horse