The people of India were participating in anti-British movements in large numbers. But the path chosen by the revolutionaries was the most difficult.
Azad had recruited many dedicated members to the party. They were proving very useful to the party. Many of them were skilled workers and professionals who were trained in various crafts. There were carpenters, ironsmith, metal workers etc. They used to make weapons for the revolutionaries.
Many of the revolutionaries were daily wage workers or just labourers. They spent the barest minimum on themselves, ate food to survive and wore only langots to save money for the party needed for buying weapons. Their dedication to the mission of the independence of the country was exemplary. The spirit they displayed and the sacrifices they made were incredible. Today all that dedication appears like a fairy tale. But it was true. Those young revolutionaries did suffer a lot for our freedom.
Not only those who were hanged or languished in jail but even those who stayed free led so demanding a life that it was impossible to put them in different grades.
Azad himself was very careful about the spending of the party funds. He never allowed any unnecessary spending.
Once some revolutionary friends come to meet Azad and his comrades who lived in a small room which served as a party office as well. It was a sort of revolutionary get together. Azad’s room mate Vijay Kumar was overjoyed to see the dear revolutionary friend Batukeshwar Dutt. He went to the market and bought a loaf of bread. Then he made tea and served to all the comrades.
Suddenly, Azad asked, “Who got this bread?”
“I bought. For Batukeshwar Bhaiyya,” Vijay Kumar replied.
“Shut up!” Azad exploded and said, “We revolutionaries are always playing the game of life and death. Only bullets welcome us. We buy cartridges by saving paise and paees. Never again welcome us with eats and drinks.”
“Forgive me, brother Azad. I will never do it again,” Vijay apologized.
The loan for party
One day, Azad sat brooding in his room. It was the money problem again. Suddenly a youngman entered the room. He calmly put two thousand rupees in the hands of Azad.
“What is this money?” Azad asked in surprise.
“Azad brother! Your parents are in trouble. There is never enough food in the house. We have found that out. You are busy in the service of the country here and there they suffer. So, we put this money together for you to send it home.”
The face of Azad brightened up. He indeed needed that money badly. It was like a God sent gift.
He smiled at the youngman and said, “I will never forget your help, brother. You saved us. I will use this money for the organisation work. Very many thanks to you saviour brother.”
“No. This money is for sending it to your home. For you parents. They really need it,” the youngman insisted.
“Dear man! My comrades too have parents. Their parents are also needy and in trouble. We all are dedicated to the cause of the country. As you know, in the service of a cause everything requires to be sacrificed.”
The youngman was very impressed. He touched the feet of Azad to pay his respects and went away. For the party work two thousand was not a big money. It got spent in no time. Again he was in need of money. A sum of four thousand was urgently required. He went to a friend in Delhi. The friend was in money lending business. Azad urged to him, “Friend, you do money lending. Do something for us too. Will you?”
“Why not? I am at your service. Tell me what can I do for you?”
“I need four thousand rupees.”
“Will be arranged in a few days.”
“No. I want it right now. Get it from anywhere. I will pay back in six months.”
The businessman friend knew that money was not for Azad’s personal use. He would spend the entire amount for party work or on some freedom endeavour. And he knew that Azad was a man of his word. He would pay back in promised time. He asked Azad to wait and went out. The man came back in a short time and gave Azad the sum of the four thousand rupees.
Azad put the money in propaganda work. The people needed to be awakened. He got hand bills printed asking people to rise against the colonial rulers. The message contained the brief sketch of the work being done by the revolutionary group braving grave risks and difficulties. The handbills were to be secretly distributed at one time in all the major towns and the cities. The C.I.D. was keeping a watch on the activities of the revolutionary groups. CID agents were to be outwitted or the revolutionaries ran the risk of getting arrested and the handbills seized.
Azad accomplished the job in Benaras efficiently. He was helped by people and his comrades did a commendable job. The handbills were distributed at all the public places and the message reached to the people who were seen reading the handbills in good numbers.
Chandni Chowk robbery
One day, in the early morning the money lender friend of Azad came to him and demanded his money back. Azad was to pay the money in six months. But he had come three months early.
“It’s only three months since I took the loan, friend. Don’t worry. I will pay the money in due time as promised,” Azad said.
“Try to understand, friend. I had borrowed that money from some one. And that person is demanding his money back, That’s why I came to you.”
“Ask him to charge whatever interest he wants. We will pay him every paisa on due date.”
“I have already tried that angle, Azad brother. He does not agree. It’s very urgent.”
Azad thought over it and said, “If that’s so we will pay you all the money. Let’s go.”

Azad accompanied the friend to Delhi along with some of his comrades. He asked the money lender friend to wait for him at his home.
Azad arrived at the famous Chandni Chowk bazaar of old Delhi with his comrades. It was crowded as usual. The people were busy in their chores and business. Azad entered a jewellery shop and examined a few items. He asked the price and some haggling followed. Then, at his signal more that half a dozen youngman entered the shop. They were all armed. Azad took out his pistol and put the barrel to the jeweller’s temple. The youngman looted cash. No one tried to challenge them and they escaped away.
In the evening the money lender friend of Azad was paid his money. He had come to know how the money was raised. So, he remarked to Azad, “Friend, that is no fair way to get the money. It is wrong.”
“What do you know?” Azad shot back, “All these fat pigs fill their coffers with money exploited out of poor people. The money remains there without any purpose. Whatever I did, it was for the sake of the country. The robbed money is not for my own personal pleasure.”
“But you shouldn’t have committed robbery.”
“What can we do? No one spares money of one’s own accord or free will. If we don’t force people to part with their money from where shall we get finances? It is all money robbed from the people. We are merely reclaiming it on behalf of the people for their freedom struggle. As simple as that.”
The money lender had no answer to it. He didn’t ask any more questions.