Khandavaprastha, given to the Pandavas, was a forest they had to burn down to make the city of Indraprastha. In the forest lived a saranga bird with its four fledglings. The male bird was actually a sage called Mandapala who had been told that only those with children went to heaven. So, he married Jarita, the female. Once the eggs were laid, the male bird went off with another female, Lapita. When the fire began, the four fledglings panicked. Their mother told them not to worry. She put them into the hollow of the tree and sealed its mouth with mud. She herself flew to safety. The fledglings prayed to the Fire-god not to harm them. The Fire-god kept them safe from his flames. Meanwhile, the male wished to see his children and returned after the fire. He found Jarita was back with the unharmed fledglings. He was not needed any more.
The Saranga Birds