In an auspicious hour Raja Bhoja tried to sit on the throne. There were 32 figurines set in the panel around the throne. As Raja tried to occupy the throne a figurine came out of the panel and transformed into a living figure. She warned the Raja not to sit on the throne.
She said, “Only the one who is as valiant, brave, justiceful, charitable and glorious as ancient Raja Vikramaditya was may sit on this throne.”
Raja Bhoja asked the figurine to give some example of the glorious act of Raja Vikramaditya to enable him to make comparison. He also wanted to know the secret of the throne.
The figurine spoke, “Raja! That is a long story. You may hear it;
Once propitiated Lord Shiva blessed lord Indra of heavens with this divine throne. Indra installed it in his court and ruled the celestial world sitting on it.
There were thirty two hostesses in the court of Indra who used to entertain him and his guests. One day upon the command of Lord Indra those hostesses went to Lord Shiva to serve him. When they cast their eyes on the charming face of Shiva the celestial beauties began to entertain romantic thoughts about him. They wished to be his consorts and love mates.

Shiva’s divine consort Devi Parvati was also there. She read the minds of the hostesses and got angry. ‘How could those beauties of Indra court think of romancing with Lord Shiva?’
She put a curse on them, “O evil minded apsaras (hostesses)! Go to the court of your Lord Indra and get set in his throne as lifeless decorative figurines in its central penal.”
The celestial beauties (apsaras) realised their mistake and felt ashamed of themselves. They prayed to Goddess Parvati to pardon them, “O Goddess Divine! Ashamed are we for the weakness of our minds. We seek your pardon for our unseemly act and shameful behaviour. Please grant us your pardon.”
Parvati was too angry to relent.
The apsaras continued to pray and beseech her.
At last Parvati relented when she realised those 32 celestial beauties were indeed ashamed of their act and wanted to make amends.
She said, “O apsaras! I can not take back my curse but can make it less severe.”
The apsaras begged her to do whatever she could.
Parvati spoke, “You will get set as figurines in the throne of Indra. Years later pleased with the glorious acts of Raja Vikramaditya the celestial Lord Indra would gift the throne to him. He would be the king of Ujjayani in a time frame. Thus you will stay in close proximity to Raja Vikramaditya whose nobility and glory will keep gradually energising you. By the grace of Lord Almighty centuries later in some way you will get delivered from my curse.”
Thus the thirty two celestial beauties, all of us have been in this throne set as figurines since then.”
Raja Bhoja nodded his head saying, “Oh! So, that is your story and the secret of your throne!”