The Selfish Baboon

Long ago, it was so hot that water was found only in a few small ponds throughout the forest. A baboon lived near one such pond. He chased away all animals saying, “Nobody is allowed to drink water from this pond. This water belongs to me.” He also lit a fire close to the pond so that he might protect his water during the cold nights. One day, a zebra came to the pond. Back then, zebras only had beautiful white coats. The selfish baboon said to the zebra, “Look! If you want the water, you will have to fight with me.” The zebra kicked the baboon and he flew high up into the rocks. The zebra had kicked so hard that he himself lost the balance and fell into the fire. The burning sticks fell on his beautiful white coat creating black stripes all over his body. The baboon fell with a loud thud on his buttocks and got a red bottom forever.

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