Once there was a serpent who fell in love with a princess. He went to the king and expressed his love for the princess and his desire to marry her. The king put up conditions that seemed impossible for him to be fulfilled. But the serpent fulfilled them all. So, the king had to agree for the marriage. Soon after this, the serpent shook off his skin and turned into a handsome prince. The king burnt the serpent’s skin. Seeing this, the prince turned into a dove and flew out of the window where he struck his head through the panes and injured him. The princess set out to find her love.
She took the blood of forest birds, went to the royal palace and entered the chamber of the prince where he was lying unconscious. She applied the blood on his wound. Soon the wound healed without even leaving a mark. The prince regained his senses. He saw the beautiful princess and recognised his beloved at once. He embraced her with joy. Then the prince’s father sent to invite the princess’s parents and they celebrated their wedding with wonderful festivity.