One evening, Shana walked along a park when she saw a huge muscular male shadow materialise just before her. Shana ran as fast as her legs could carry her. The next morning, at 5:30 a.m., Shana entered her kitchen to prepare some coffee before leaving for work. Suddenly, she saw the muscular shadow peering into the back door of her kitchen window. Shana froze and the shadow figure froze as well. His red glowing eyes were fixed on her. Shana immediately turned on the kitchen light and ran from the kitchen, screaming. Shana had to leave quickly to get to work. The hair on the back of her neck stood as she entered the dark backyard to enter the car. While backing out of the driveway, the car headlights captured the outline of a muscular shadow of a man dodging the headlights of her vehicle. Shana immediately moved to her parents’ house.
The Shadow Man