The Shepherd’s Prank

There was a boy in a village. He had many sheep. Every day, he would take them out to graze in the fields. The boy was a prankster. He loved playing tricks on people. One day, he shouted, “Help! A wolf took my sheep!” The villagers heard his cries and went running to him, ready to scare the wolf away. When they reached the spot, they saw the boy rolling on the grass with laughter. “Where’s the wolf?” they asked. “There’s no wolf. I lied,” he said. The villagers were angry. They said, “This is not a god thing to do,” and they went away. After some days, the boy pulled the same prank on the villagers. The villagers were angry. “It’s not good to have fun at others’ expense,” they warned. One day, the wolf actually came. But when the boy shouted for help, none listened to him.

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