Lilly was a very silly sprite. One day, she decided to play a trick on a family of human beings living near the woods. The night was dark and the moon was behind the clouds. Lilly puffed herself up until she resembled a big white balloon. But she thought that she looked like a scary ghost. Lilly floated gently around the house humming a mournful tune. Mr. John, the house owner, came out to look. He saw what he also thought was a large balloon floating in the wind. “What a nuisance!” he said, “I never saw such a noisy balloon before! I think my son’s friends are playing a trick on him!” Mr. John went inside the house. He brought a large pin and stuck it into the balloon to deflate it. Lilly was startled and quickly disappeared. She spent the night nursing her wound. She wished she had not fooled herself into thinking that she looked like a ghost!
The Silly Sprite