The science teacher was the favourite of all the students because his way of teaching was quite interesting. One day, he gave his students some seeds of a sunflower. He said, “Plant these seeds. Look after them and soon you will have your own sunflower.” The students planted the seeds into the pots and looked after them with great care for many days. George took extra care of his seeds. He was very impatient. Once the first shoot appeared, George was filled with impatience, went to show it to his teacher. “Sir! Can I uproot it?” he asked anxiously. Then, the teacher answered, “No George, not yet. It will take some time. So, look after your plant for some more time and soon you will have many seeds from just one sunflower.” George was very disappointed, but he kept on looking after his plant.

After some days, George grew increasingly impatient. He asked his teacher once again, “Sir! Can I uproot it now?” “No George. I told you that it will take some time. You have to be patient if you want a good result.” Upset, George went away. The next day, he noticed the sunflower’s seeds and was very excited. Despite the teacher telling him to be patient, he cut the plant so that he might eat the seeds. But the plant was still green and the seeds were not ripe, so they couldn’t be eaten.
George was shocked. He had put in so much effort but at the end everything was worthless simply due to lack of patience. After two days, all the students took their plants to the class. George saw how enormous their classmates’ sunflowers grew. Ultimately, George understood not to be impatient in the future. His friends shared their delicious seeds with George.