The Solitary Monk

Once, the Bodhisatta was born into a very rich family. He had all the comforts money could buy. After some time, however, he got tired of all the comforts and the life he led. He gave up all and became a wandering monk, begging for alms and living on them.
One day, he found he had no salt. So, he went out to beg for some. He found a caravan and they gave him the salt he needed. Then, he decided to go with them for a while. That night, they stopped and made camp near a large tree.
The monk had a habit of meditating and praying as he walked along. So, he began to walk around the tree and meditate.
A gang of a hundred thieves was watching the caravan settle down there for the night. Gradually, all the men in the caravan fell asleep, but the monk continued to walk and meditate till he reached a high level of peace.
The gang of thieves waited and they waited all night long. But there was no sign of the wandering man feeling sleepy. In fact, some of the thieves fell asleep themselves while waiting.

Soon, it was morning and the thieves had achieved nothing at all. They did not have a single thing after watching and waiting all night. They were very irritated and miserable. one of them shouted, “You fellows in the caravan! You have a very good guard. Reward him well! If it was not for him, we would have stolen everything from you.”
The men in the caravan were very surprised. They looked at the monk with great admiration. “He’s not our guard,” they said, “He’s a monk.” Puzzled by his courage, they asked him, “Weren’t you afraid of the thieves in the night, reverend sir?”
“Why should I be afraid?” asked the monk in his turn, “I have nothing of any value to them. There is nothing which they can steal from me. I have only love, kindness and compassion.” he said as he smilingly picked his begging bowl and cloth up and  went on his way.

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