The Song of the Swan

Once, the song fairy from fairyland wanted to visit earth. vThe queen fairy said, “I will turn you into a swan and send you to earth. But if you sing, the spell will break and you will be back in fairyland.” The queen fairy turned her into a swan and sent her to an emperor’s garden lake. When the emperor saw her, her beauty spellbound him. One day, the enemy attacked the emperor’s kingdom. The enemy was defeated but the emperor was wounded. The royal doctor said, “Nothing can cure the emperor but the magical song!” The swan was very sad to hear this. That evening, the swan sang a soulful song. The magical song healed the emperor’s wounds and he was well again. The swan vanished the next morning. That night, the swan visited the emperor in his dreams and told him that she was the song fairy and would always look after him from fairyland.

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