The Speaking Cave

Once upon a time, a lion was roaming in a forest here, there and everywhere to hunt for food.

But the lion got no prey from morning to evening. He was awfully hungry.

All of a sudden, the lion sighted a cave. He thought that there might be some animal inside the cave. So, he decided to hunt that animal.

Thinking so, the lion reached the cave. But unfortunately, the cave was empty.

Feeling disappointed, the lion sat inside the cave thinking that the animal might come inside the cave. As soon as the animal came, he would pounce upon it and gulp it down.

The cave belonged to a jackal. When the jackal returned to the cave in the evening, he saw the pugmarks outside the cave.

Now, the jackal was in a state of shock. He thought that there must be someone inside the cave. But who was there inside the cave? It was a tricky question. Soon, he hit upon a plan.

The jackal yelled out loudly, “O dear cave! You daily welcome me by speaking. Why are you silent today?”

The jackal further added, “Speek promptly that you are welcome, Mr Jackal. If you don’t speak, I will move away to the other cave.”

The lion sitting inside the cave thought, ‘The jackal may go away to the other cave.’ So, he spoke out in surprise, “Welcome back, Mr Jackal!”

No sooner did the jackal listen to these words than he at once took to his heels. Thus the jackal saved his life through his ready wit.

Moral : Crisis can be avoided through intelligence and alertness.

The duck and the fox

Long, long ago, there lived a duck named Sunehri with her ducklings in a pond.

One day, Sunehri along with her ducklings went for a stroll near the pond.

The ducklings began to play happily basking in the sun.

All of a sudden, Sunehri sighted a fox at some distance.

Seeing the approaching fox Sunehri got frightened. She yelled at the top of her voice and instructed her ducklings to go inside the pond.

The ducklings began to rush towards the pond. Even Sunehri limped back to the pond.

The fox thought that Sunehri might be wounded. So, Sunehri could be easily hunted.

Thinking so the fox instead of chasing the ducklings charged at Sunehri.

As soon as the fox came near, Sunehri flapped her wings and flew away.

On the other hand, the ducklings had reached the pond safely.

After some time, Sunehri too reached her ducklings in the pond. The ducklings felt very happy finding their mother with them.

The fox hung her head in disappointment and kept on gazing at Sunehri and her ducklings.

Moral : Use your wit and wisdom in times of difficulty.

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