Ruby, Jade and Opal were tree sprites who had beautiful wings which they earned after a tough test. One morning, Ruby woke up and found that her wings were missing. She cried bitterly, “My wings are gone!” Jade consoled, “Don’t cry, Ruby; we will find your wings.” Opal said, “The pixies must have stolen your wings! They always play pranks on us.” Ruby wept, “Once a sprite loses her wings, it’s hard to find them. Will I ever have wings again?” Jade said, “Let’s go and meet the Fairy Queen.” At this, Ruby wept loudly, “How will I reach her castle without my wings?” Jade said kindly, “Don’t worry! We will carry you with us.” On their way, the sprites saw two pixies playing with a pair of wings. These were Ruby’s wings! They scared the pixies away and carried the wings with them. The Fairy Queen stuck the wings back on Ruby, warning her to be more careful with them.
The Sprite’s Wings