The Stone Thrower

One morning, Birbal was going to the court. A wicked man was hiding near the palace. When Birbal passed by, the man threw a stone at him. Birbal was hurt. He chased the man and caught him. Then Birbal gave the man some money. The man was surprised. He asked, “Why are you rewarding me when I have hurt you?” Birbal said, “I did not want to go to work today. You hurt me. So I got an excuse to stay at home.” The wicked man was happy. He asked, “I want more money. Where can I find another man like you?” Birbal took the man near the palace and pointed towards a guard and said, “He shall pay you more if you throw a stone at him.” The man threw a stone at the guard, who chained him and took him to the court to be punished.

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