The Stork

Many animals and birds had come to see the Baby Jesus in the stable. Some animals knelt humbly beside the infant. Among them was a long-legged stork with white feathers. He was moved by the sight of the Baby Jesus lying in the straw with no pillow to rest his head. The bird had nothing to offer but his true empathy for Jesus made him give the ultimate gift to him. He pulled feathers from his plumage and gave them to the child to be used as a pillow. This was the best pillow that the baby could ask for. Infant Jesus smiled with overwhelming gratitude and blessed the stork with undying glory. Even today, storks are a symbol of birth and are considered indispensable to baby showers. If one spots a stork flying or on the roof of a house, it is considered lucky as it is thought as the patron of ‘babies’.

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