The Story-Tree

Long ago, a girl of the Chaga tribe went out with her friends to cut grass. She saw a spot where the grass was thick and beautiful. But, the moment she put her foot there, she started sinking into the thick mud below the grass. Her friends grabbed her hand and tried to pull her out but she kept sinking deeper and deeper. Finally, she disappeared. Her friends ran home to get help. They called out all the people. A diviner advised the girl’s parents to sacrifice a cow and a sheep. When this was done, the girl’s voice was heard again. But ultimately it faded away and was silent. The place where the girl had sunk, a tree began to grow and reached the sky. The tree kept growing and the mud turned into hard soil. One day, while playing, two boys climbed up the tree and they never came back. Since then, the tree had been named the ‘Story-tree’.

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