During his sleep, Hutch, the hedgehog, was having the most wonderful dream. He saw a basket full of rosy apples. He called his friend, Toby, to share them with him. But he warned Hutch, “If you eat any of these, you will turn into a caterpillar!” But Hutch did not take heed. He immediately ate one. Then he fell off to sleep. When he got up, he had a tummy ache. He thought, ‘It will soon go. I have just eaten too much.’ But the tummy ache did not go away. Hutch could see he was losing all his prickles. His body was changing. He cried, “Am I turning into a caterpillar?” The dream was so frightening that he woke up in a sweat. Then he saw his body. He was himself. It had all been a dream! He sighed with relief.
The Strange Dream