Waldie had a nasty wife. One day, Waldie forgot to buy watermelons, so she sent him back at once to buy one. It was late and Waldie was tired. So, he drove to the nearest farm. ‘I will pick one myself,’ he thought. The pathway to the farm was lined with dense trees. Limbs hung low and cast scary shadows as the sun sank. Waldie stopped his car and jumped over the fence. “Pick me, pick me!” a voice said. Waldie laughed at his vivid imagination, but felt uneasy. He picked up one, left some money and walked to his car. The watermelon wriggled in his hands and then pricked him. Waldie was startled. Then, he heard the melon singing: Out in the fields, in the sun shine, We grow strong, green and fine, If picked out of turn, we will mind, Then, to him we won’t be so kind! Horrified, Waldie threw the watermelon back into the field and drove home as fast as he could.
The Strange Watermelon