In Tuy lived Juan Rivas, a clever and good student, but he was extremely poor. Often his friends helped him, so he continued studying, but there came a time when he ran out of all money for his studies and his food. He had to find a way to get enough money to pay back what he had borrowed from his friends and for his study too. He called his friends together and suggested that they should help him. “I hope you don’t wish to do something bad or criminal!” exclaimed his friends. “Oh, no!” replied Juan, “We can’t get any money simply sitting at home. So, I am going to release something. When I do that, you must grab it, take it to the market and sell it for the highest possible price!” It was rather puzzling, but his friends finally agreed. He took them to the highway from Tuy to Ourense.

The Mule
Juan and his friends hid in the bushes. Soon, they saw a muleteer leading a pack of six mules. He was sleeping on the first one as the others plodded along behind. Juan allowed them to pass, catching the last mule. Quickly, taking off his saddle and goods, he took the mule’s place. His friends ran to sell the mule. Juan kicked and screamed till the muleteer saw him. Amazed, he asked who he was. “I was the mule,” replied Juan, “I was under a spell till now! I am the son of a Spanish nobleman.” The muleteer was so ashamed that he let the boy go and apologised to him for thrashing him when he was a mule. “I will not tell anyone about this, sir!” he promised. Juan joined his friends who had sold the mule at cattle fair. When the muleteer reached the fair, he was shocked to see his old mule there!