The Stupid Sparrow

Once, there lived a crow and a sparrow in a jungle. They both were good friends. On the birthday of the king of birds, the eagle, all the birds went to his castle, at the sea-shore. The crow and the sparrow also went there, along with all the other birds. On the way, the two birds saw a cow, with a pot full of curd on her head, walking ahead of them. The wicked crow, true to his nature, followed the cow and kept dipping his beak into the pot and eating the curd. The sparrow also flew over the cow and sat on the pot. Now a bull was following the cow. When the crow saw the bull, he got frightened and immediately flew away. But, the stupid sparrow could not fly on time. The bull caught her and punished her! The sparrow should have known that the wisest thing to do is to shun evil company or one may come to grief.

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