Once there was a wild crow, for whom, having to go out and hunt insects was just a great deal of effort. He was very fond of his comforts. One day, he saw that a lioness had kept a parrot in a cage, as her pet. He saw that the parrot was well fed. He thought of attracting the lioness’ attention so that the lioness might keep him too, as her pet. He went in search of colourful feathers and stuck them in between his black feathers. The cubs of the lioness saw this unusual crow and asked their mother to keep it as pet. The crow got easily caught by the lioness and started living with the lion and his family. Soon, he started growing weak, as he got only grains to eat like other bird pets. Some days later, the wild crow managed to escape from the cage and return home. He was ashamed and embarrassed about his deeds and determined to live freely and hunt for himself.
The Stupid Wild Crow