Captain Finch was carrying important cargo–a locked strongbox, containing secret treaty papers between two European countries. Everything seemed to be all right, but the Captain was uneasy. Suddenly, the lookout shouted out, “Captain! Here’s something!” Captain Finch immediately scanned the ocean. There, he saw the small periscope breaking the surface of the water. A spy submarine! He alerted his crew at once. Within five minutes, his sensors sounded an alarm. The submarine had launched a torpedo! If it hit the ship, they would surely sink. Captain Finch immediately changed direction, and narrowly missed the torpedo. But the danger had not passed. Within moments, the submarine had changed direction and launched the second torpedo! Immediately, the Captain turned the wheel again, steering the ship away. At the same time, he launched the hidden torpedoes from his own ship. For a moment everything was still. Then suddenly, there was a huge explosion underwater. They had hit the spy submarine and were now safe!
The Submarine