The Suitors

Princess Chandralekha thought for a moment and then replied, “My husband should be strong and talented. He should also be courageous.” Her mother said, “If this is so, then look for these qualities yourself in the princes who propose to you for marriage.” Chandralekha replied, “Yes Mother, I will.” Some days later, a prince named Virendra came and proposed to Chandralekha. She did not beat about the bush and asked, “What is your expertise?” Virendra replied, “I tell the fortunes of people. And I have never been proven wrong.” Chandralekha told him to be their guest till she made up her mind. The prince was taken to the guest chamber of the palace. The next day, another prince by the name of Udaivir arrived in the palace. He too proposed to Chandralekha. She said to him, “If you wish to marry me, I would like to know what your skills are.”

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