The Swans’ Necks

Long ago, swans had graceful bodies and short necks. On the other hand, ducks had big and bulky bodies. One day, an argument started between the swans and the ducks. The proud swans said, “We will swim first as we are more beautiful.” The ducks angrily said, “We should swim first because the last time, you refused to let us have our turn.” At the same time, a flock of geese flew by. They stopped to settle the argument. One of the geese said, “This pond is quite large. You both can share it.” The swans were not satisfied with this settlement and a fight broke out. The ducks bit the swans’ necks and pulled them hard. The swans’ necks had stretched so long that they almost lost their balance. They finally managed to fold their necks in a way that they could steadily hold them. Accepting their defeat, the swans shared the pond with the ducks and swam in turns.

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