The Sweep and the Noble Lady

During the pilgrimage to Mecca a man cried out aloud, begging the Allah to make a certain woman estranged with her husband so that he might meet her. The enraged crowd brought him to the Emir who ordered him beheaded.

The man pleaded to be heard and narrated that when he was walking one day, he was taken as a prisoner by the royal lady and taken to the palace.

There, he was bathed and dressed up like a royal. He was then sent to his house with gold for many days. He was called every day to go and spend time with the lady.

One day, the husband of the lady came, stayed with the lady for a day and left. The lady then explained that since she came to know of her husband’s adultery with a maid, she wanted to do the same with the most repulsive man in Baghdad, so he was picked.

He told the Emir that the lady would invite him again if her husband committed adultery again, so he prayed to the Allah to let it happen. He was pardoned by the Emir thereafter.

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