Evan was angry. “I don’t like studying! Mom says ‘study’. Dad says ‘study’! How did it matter if I failed in this term?” He stood looking angrily out of the window. The tree was full of birds today. They were chirping, dancing and playing. Evan thought, ‘The birds play all day, while I have to study!’ Then he saw the tailorbird on the branch closest to his window. He stood near the window and watched. The bird brought small twigs to the branch, then did something and immediately flew to get more. “What is it doing?” he wondered aloud. The bird was making a nest. After several rounds to and fro, it made a beautiful nest with a lot of hard work. Once finished, the tailorbird proudly sat next to it and sang. “The bird worked so hard for its nest! I can also surely do the same for my studies!” Saying this, Evan promised to himself that he would work harder from then on.
The Tailorbird