The Taste of Hard Work


Concetta was a hard-working elf. One day, she found a few grains of wheat. So she asked her friends, “Who wants to plant the wheat?” All her friends were playing. So they said, “Not me.” Concetta planted the grains of wheat all by herself. When the wheat was ripe, she called out to her friends again. “I’m going to take the wheat to the mill. Who will help me?” Concetta’s lazy friends refused to help her. They continued playing. Concetta went to the mill all by herself. She came home with some flour. Then she baked bread with it. The smell of bread baking in the oven tempted all the other elves. They came running to her. “The bread looks so delicious, we shall eat it with you,” they said. But Concetta said, “While I worked for the bread, you were busy at play. Go away. I shall enjoy the bread alone.”

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