The Thief and his Monkey

Once there was a man, professionally a thief, who though never made his way into any of the street markets of the city he stayed, yet collected a lot of money. He had a monkey too. One fine day, he passed a man selling worn clothes in the market to the people who didn’t show much interest in the clothes.

The man exhausted and decided to rest, when the thief sent his monkey to sit beside him so that the seller’s mind might get distracted.

And while the seller went busy gazing at the ape’s actions, the thief stole all his worn clothes and wrapped them off quickly in his expensive cloth, in order to sell them at a distant location.

Thus he was successful. A certain man pleased by the wrapper’s beauty bought it and brought it home, when his wife enquired if he was duped similar to the foolish weaver. She then continued narrating what happened with the weaver.

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