The Third Voyage of Sindbad the Sailor

The third voyage started well with good merchants and ship. After setting sail from Basrah, a storm in a few days got us drifted to a strange island of savages with red fur just two feet tall. They forcibly took us to another island and left us there. In the distance we saw a castle and when we went near, we saw the remains of human bones.

Suddenly a monster with one eye appeared menacingly. He examined us one by one to see who had enough fat. The Captain was the fattest and was eaten by the monster. As he rested I made plans to escape.

We started building a raft, but at the same time were losing our comrades one by one to the monster. One day I wanted to end my life by jumping from the cliff which I did. Luckily I was rescued by a ship, the Captain of which was the same man of my second voyage.

I returned to Baghdad with so much wealth which I shared with poor. Hindbad and the guests were invited for the story of Sindbad’s next voyage.

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