The Thirsty Wasps, Partridges and the Farmer

Once, some wasps and partridges were good friends. One day, they flew around for a very long time. Soon, the group grew very tired and thirsty. The wasps and the partridges looked around for water to quench their thirst. Suddenly, they saw a farmer. They went to him and said, “Please give us some water to drink. In return we promise to help you in whatever way we can.” The partridges said, “We shall dig around your vines so that they may produce good grapes.” The wasps added, “We shall guard your farm and keep away thieves by stinging them.” The farmer said, “I own two oxen. They do not promise to do big things like you. But they do all this quietly. I would rather give the water that I have to them. They deserve it more than you.”

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