The three little pigs (Stories)

Long long ago, there were three little pigs who lived together with their parents in a little house. As they grew bigger the house seemed to get smaller and smaller.
All the whole summer, they wandered through the forest, and over the plains; playing games and having fun. All of them were very happy and were enjoying their life.
Winter is fast approaching, and all other folks had started preparing for the winter, like storing food and looking for safe shelters. The rains had already ended and the autumn season had set in.
One day,”Outch! There’s just not enough room!” cried their mother. “You must go out and make your own way in the world!”
“I’ll build a house of my own,” declared the first pig.
“So will I!” said the second.
“I will too!” said the third.
Now they realized that the time for fun was over and like others, they should also immediately get down to work, or else they’d be left in the cold and rain, without any shelter.
They talked amongst themselves as to what should be done, but each one of them thought only for himself.
The eldest little pig was a little lazy and he said that it’d build a straw hut. “It will only take a day or two,” he said.
The first little pig built himself a house of straw.
The other two however disagreed with him.
“It’s too delicate,” the other two pigs said disapprovingly; but the first one refused to listen.
The second little pig was not too lazy. He wanted to make a wooden house. He, therefore, went in search of wood planks.
It took him three days to nail them together and made a house of its own.
The second little pig built himself a house of wood planks.
The third little pig did not like the wooden house as well. He was little wiser than the others.
“That’s not the way to build a house!” he said.
‘The house should be strong enough to stand against the odd weather and the most important, it should protect us from wolf,’ he thought.
He knew that it would take time, patience and hard work to build a house of that type.
And the third little pig built himself a house made of stones, although it took him much longer to build than the other two, but it was very warm and cosy inside.
Several times, his other two brothers visited him, wondering, “Why are you working so hard? Why don’t you come and play?”
But this bricklayer pig was stubborn.
He flatly said, “No. I shall complete my house first. It must be strong and sturdy. And only then, I’ll come and play!”
They began to live in their respective houses.
Very soon the wise third little pig smelt something foul in the air.
He guessed that there must be some wolf nearby. Hearing of wolf all the pigs rushed to their respective homes.
After sometime there was a knock at the door of the first little pig, “Little pig, little pig, please let me in, I want to speak to you,” said the wolf, who was thinking of pork chops for lunch.
“Grunt! No, not by the hair on my chinny chin chin, I won’t let you in,” replied the first little pig, bolting his straw door.
The wolf threatened,”I will make you come out. I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down by my deep breaths!”
So, that’s exactly what he did.
The straw house blew away like a flimsy haystack. All the straw blew over in a great blast.
The first little pig ran squealing to the house of the second little pig.
The wolf was very excited by its cleverness. But in its excitement, it did not notice the little pig slithering out from underneath the heap of straw.
The little pig dashed towards his brother’s wooden house.
When the wolf realized that the little pig was escaping, he grew wild with rage.
“Stop…You coward!” he roared, trying to catch the pig as he ran into the wooden house.
The wolf came panting after him and arrived at the door of the wooden house.
Inside, with fear both pig brothers shaking like a leaf. “I hope this house won’t fall down! Let’s lean against the door so that the wolf may not enter the house!”
Outside, the wolf heard their talk. Now there were two pigs for its food.
“Little pigs, little pigs, please let me in. I only want to speak to you, don’t afraid of me,” called the wolf through the letter-box, thinking of the nice juicy bacon he would have with tea.
“No, not by the hair on my chinny chin chin, I won’t let you in,” grunted the second little pig, and he bolted his door of wood planks.
“Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down!” said the angry wolf.
So, that’s exactly what he did.
Whoo…off…The house of woods blew away like a rickety bonfire, and the two little pigs ran away squealing to the stone house of their third brother.
Luckily, the wisest little pig had been watching the entire drama from the window of his own brick house. He rapidly opened the door to his fleeing brothers.
The wolf came panting after them and snarled through the letter-box of the third little pig’s house.
But this time, the wolf had doubts.
This house was much more sturdy and stronger than the others.
“Little pigs, little pigs, please let me in. Why you afraid of me? I am your friend and want to talk to you. Open up! Open up!! “cried the wolf, thinking of delicious ham for supper!
“No, not by the hair on my chinny chin chin, I won’t let you in,” grunted the third little pig, and all the pigs hold the door fast.
The wolf only laughed, “Then I’ll huff and I’ll puff and I’ll blow your house down!”
The wolf was furious and prepared itself for a fresh blow.
So, that’s exactly what he tried to do.
He huffed and he puffed. And then again he puffed and he huffed.
But however much he huffed and however much he puffed, not one stone of the house moved.
The three little pigs watched him and their fear began to fade. The wolf was now fully exhausted by its efforts. It now decided to try one of his other tricks.
“I’ve had enough of these little pigs!” growled the hungry wolf. “They think they are safe inside this stone house—but there’s more than one way of getting indoors.”
The wolf brought a ladder and climbed up on the roof of the stone house.
Three little pigs for dinner, he thought.
“Yum…yum… yum…” And he began to climb down through the chimney.
Inside, the three little pigs heard the wolf’s claws scrabbling on the roof.
“Oh God!” cried the first.
“What shall we do?” said the second.
But the third little pig, who was busy boiling water in a big cooking pot over the open fire, only fanned the flames and listened to the hot water bubbling.
Meanwhile, the wolf slithered down the chimney.
“Never again! Never again will I go down a chimney!” It squealed and fell—SPLASH!—into the cooking pot. There was one loud yelp, and that was the end of the bad wolf.
After few minutes three little pigs had a nice supper of wolf-soup to celibrate.
The three happy little pigs, danced round and round the house.
Now, the other two little pigs realized their folly. Like the wisest little pig, the other two brothers got down to work with a will.
After a week’s hard labour, up came the two new brick houses of the two brothers.
Now safe and happy, the wisest little pig called its brothers, “No more work now! Come on, let’s go and play and have fun!”

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