Once, a lion went to a river to drink water on a hot summer noon. At the same time, a wild boar also came there to quench its thirst. “Don’t dare drink water before me,” the lion roared and warned it.
“I am very thirsty, so I cannot obey your words,” the wild boar replied. Both of them looked at each other with furious eyes. In a trice, they began to fight and attacked each other. They were fighting so ferociously that soon they were bleeding profusely.
Feeling a bit tired, they stopped fighting to become fresh. Suddenly, they heard the screams of vultures. They saw many vultures sitting on the nearby trees looking at them longingly. Both the beasts understood that the vultures were waiting for their dead bodies. Soon after drinking water, the lion and the wild boar were going in the opposite directions.
Moral : Keep your cool in adverse situations.