Once, a young soldier was returning after a battle. On the way, he met an old woman. She asked him to help her.
The old lady, who was a witch, said, “At the bottom of this hollow tree-stump is a cave with a lot of treasure and a tinderbox. Please bring me that tinderbox and you can have the treasure.”
The witch further said, “When you reach the cave, you will see a big door and a small door. Behind the small door is a huge dog with eyes like cups. He guards the tinderbox. Behind the big door is a bigger dog, with eyes like saucers, who guards the treasure.”
“Put the dogs on my apron and they will not harm you. Pick up as much treasure as you want and bring the tinderbox to me,” added the witch. Then, the witch gave the soldier a blue apron and helped him down into the hollow.
The soldier did as he was told. He took as much treasure as he could fill in his pockets. Then, picking up the tinderbox, he came up. But the witch tried to snatch the tinderbox and push him back into the hole. The brave soldier killed the witch and came out. Then, he bought fine clothes and a huge house and lived happily.
One day, he opened the tinderbox and saw a small matchbox inside it. When the soldier struck a match, the dogs appeared, asking, “What can we do for you, Master?”
The soldier had always wanted to marry the Princess. So, he said to the dogs, “Bring the Princess here!” The larger dog returned with the Princess asleep on his back. The soldier expressed his desire to marry her and sent her back.
The next morning, the Princess thought it was a dream and told her mother about it. The worried Queen tied a small bag of flour to her belt once she was asleep. That night, when the soldier sent for the Princess, the bag of flour left a trail right up to his house and the Queen’s guards caught him and put him in the dungeon.
Fortunately, the soldier had the tinderbox in his pocket. He took it out and struck the match. Immediately, the dogs appeared. Everybody was frightened but the Princess recognised the soldier from her dream. So, when he asked her to marry him, she happily agreed.