Nausherwan had been one of the wisest and most famous Kings of Persia. His tomb was a place of pilgrimage because it gave the pilgrim great lessons in how to live a good and just life. Caliph Harun-al-Rashid went there on a pilgrimage with five of his ministers. He touched the golden curtain at the entrance and it crumbled to dust! When Harun entered, he saw the tomb was blazing with light from the jewels in the wall and the throne and decorating the great monarch. His body had been embalmed and sat upon a royal throne, dressed richly. But his robes also crumbled to dust when he touched them! Harun was so upset that he immediately placed his own costly robes on Nausherwan and asked for a gold curtain to be put up. The priest explained the words written on the tomb. Caliph Harun-al-Rashid learnt that his visit had been predicted by the dead monarch!
The Prophecy
Caliph Harun-al-Rashid saw things written on the throne, the jewels and walls of the tomb. He asked the priest to read and explain them. He was surprised to know that Nausherwan had predicted that the Caliph would come that day to his tomb with four good men and one bad man! It was also written that the Caliph would dress him in new robes and sprinkle fragrant perfumes on the tomb before going back. Harun had just done that! Then, he wondered who could be the bad man among his ministers. The prophecy added that Harun would be rewarded and the bad man would be punished and destroyed. The prophecy of the monarch said that Harun would find an inscription under his throne which would reward him richly. Harun put his hand under the throne and drew out a glowing ruby. On it were directions to a treasure of gold, jewels and arms!
Among the five ministers who came with the Caliph was Husain-ben-Sahil. He heard the prophecy and said, “Sir, this is just a tomb for the dead. What’s the use of riches and jewels here? Isn’t it better to take some of it for the living!” This made Caliph Harun very angry and he sent Husain to worship inside the tomb. Husain went in, but the sight of all that wealth made him even more greedy. He took a large ring from the hand of Nausherwan and came out. Seeing his face, the Caliph said, “Look at him! Nausherwan’s prophecy about one bad man with me was true. Search him!” Husain was searched and the ring he had stolen was found. The Caliph took the ring and put it back on Nausherwan’s hand. Husain was punished and the road to the tomb had been closed before the Caliph Harun-al-Rashid returned to his kingdom.
The Wise Sayings
Caliph Harun ordered that the treasure to which Nausherwan had given directions should be collected and sent to Baghdad to the royal treasury and armoury. But the real treasure for him was also the great sayings of the wise monarch written on the walls and on his jewels and his crown. Nausherwan’s words were wise and just: Do not use your power to hurt others. Earn a good name rather than property. Don’t feel sad about what can be broken, stolen or lost. Do not befriend unkind and evil people. Do not be envious and angry. Do not spend more than you earn. Respect others, including the women of your family. Meet wise people. Avoid cruelty and haste in action. Treat others exactly as you wish others to treat you. The Caliph Harun asked that Nausherwan’s sayings be written down in a book and ordered that everyone in his kingdom should follow them.