The Tortoise Family Picnic

The tortoise is a slow animal. It works at a slow pace. It is slow but diligent. It can continue doing work for long without a break. It also needs to take rest for a while. Once, there lived a tortoise family. This family decided to go for a picnic. Being naturally slow, it took them seven years to reach the picnic spot. For the next six months, they cleaned the area and unpacked the picnic basket. However, they forgot to bring salt and pepper. “No one will eat until I return,” said a young tortoise before leaving for home. The young tortoise did not return for several years. Then, the oldest tortoise started eating. It said, “I cannot control my hunger.” The young tortoise suddenly appeared from behind a tree. It said, “I knew you wouldn’t wait! So, I hid all along.” Everyone in the family laughed.

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