The Toy-Goose (Denmark)


Once a flea, a grasshopper and a toy-goose got into an argument. They wanted to see which one of them could jump the highest. So, they decided to have a competition and invited the whole world to see the frolic. “Well, I will give my daughter to the one who jumps the highest,” said the king, “For it would not be fair to let these people jump for nothing.” The trial was to take place. The flea was given the first opportunity and he jumped. But unfortunately, he jumped so high that none could see where he went to.

So, they said that he had not jumped at all. After that, the grasshopper jumped half as high and landed on the king’s face which angered the king and he was disqualified. Then it came the turn of the toy-goose who stood still for a long time. Suddenly, he made a side jump right into the lap of the princess, who was sitting on a little golden stool close by. Happily the king announced, “There is nothing above my daughter. Therefore, the toy-goose has made the highest jump that can be made.” Thus, the toy-goose won the princess.

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