Joseph found a bunch of beautiful keys in his attic. Those were the most beautiful keys that he had ever seen in his life. They had beautiful design all over and they were very different from the other keys. But Joseph had no idea where those five keys fitted! There was not a single lock in the house where any of those keys would fit in. Joseph knew because he had already tried fitting them in each door lock that he could find. ‘I’m sure there must be some locks somewhere, which these keys would unlock. I just need to look carefully,’ said Joseph to himself. Joseph’s family had just moved into this new mansion, as his father had got a new job in the city. The mansion had altogether 20 rooms upstairs and downstairs. But the attic at the top was the biggest! And it was filled with chests and cupboards that the previous owners had left behind. They were full of old clothes that had to be given away in charity. One day, Joseph took the keys to try and see if they fitted into any of the chests or cupboards in the attic. He hit a jackpot! The keys were for a huge trunk in the attic. It had five keyholes! Click! Click! Click! Click! Click! Joseph slowly opened the lid of the trunk. It was empty but there was a scratchy sound coming from inside! Scared Joseph closed the lid and ran back downstairs.

Joseph did not go to the attic for a few days. But soon, his curiosity got the better of him. The scratchy noise was still there. He searched carefully and found a hidden compartment, the size of a small cabinet. Joseph froze in horror at the sight of a fat, green-eyed, foul-smelling, sharp-toothed gnome. Banging the lid shut, Joseph hid in his room. ‘I need to see it again,’ Joseph tried bravely to open the trunk. But he banged it shut in fright again! He tried often. But he would open it, look at the gnome, get scared and shut the trunk again.
“Stop!” screamed the gnome, one day. Joseph hesitated. “I need food!” yelled the gnome desperately. “That is why I have been eating the inside of the trunk,” he cried. ‘Even monsters need food!’ Joseph was surprised. Immediately his fear disappeared, and from that day onwards, Joseph and the green-eyed trunk monster became the best of friends.