Two swans and a talkative turtle lived in a lake. They were close friends. In the summer, when the lake began to dry up, the swans decided to move to another lake. But the turtle could not fly. So he asked the swans to find a strong wooden stick. He said, “You hold the stick in your beaks and I will hang on to the stick with my mouth. This way, all of us can move to the new lake.” The swans said, “You are talkative. What if you open your mouth?” The turtle promised to keep quiet. Next morning, they began their journey. The turtle was amazed at the sights from above. When they flew over the lake, the turtle said, “Wow! Look,” realising too late that he should have kept quiet. Thankfully, he fell into the lake and his life was saved. But he had learnt his lesson.
The Turtle Who Loved to Talk