Two cats were good friends. They shared whatever eatables they got.

Once, they remained hungry for several days. They wandered here, there and everywhere in search of food.

Suddenly, they saw a loaf of bread. Both leapt over it simultaneously.

As they had been hungry for several days, both put their claim over it.

Soon they started quarrelling because neither of them wanted to part with the loaf of bread.

Suddenly, a crafty monkey passed by. The cats requested him to end their dispute.

The monkey said, “Let me distribute it evenly between you.”

Saying these words, the monkey tore the loaf of bread into two pieces. The cats were watching him curiously.

The monkey saw both the pieces of the bread in his hands and said, “They are not even.”

Thus he ate a bit from one piece. The cats were now little depressed.

The monkey repeated the same act many a time. At last, two small pieces remained in his hands. The cats said, “Return our bread.”

The monkey said smilingly, “These bits are my wages.” Saying these words, he ate them too. The cats left the place dejected.
Moral : A quarrel between the two is the gain for the third.

Two mice were fast friends. One mouse lived in a village and the other lived in a city.

Once, the village mouse invited his city friend to a party.

When the city mouse reached the village, his friend took him on a village tour.

When they sat for dinner, the village mouse served wheat, rice, plums, groundnuts, etc.

But the city mouse did not like the food. He said, “This food is tasteless.”

Eating a little the city mouse asked for leave.

The village mouse came out to see his friend off. The city mouse said, “Come to my city; I will show you what a feast really is.”

After some days, the village mouse reached his friend in the city.

The city mouse took his friend on a city tour. The village mouse was stunned seeing city traffic and high-rise buildings.

When they sat for dinner, the city mouse served dates, cheese, pizza, chips, etc. But the village mouse did not like them. Suddenly, a cat came there and they ran for safety.

The village mouse said, “Be content with your silly city life. For me, my village is no less than heaven.” And he went away.
Moral : Likes and dislikes differ from person to person.