The Two Parrots

Once upon a time, there lived a parrot in a forest with his brother. Both lived happily together, hunting and singing. One day, king lion’s minister, Mr. Wolf, caught these parrots and took them to the lion’s court. He said to the king, “O king, I have brought this beautiful pair of parrots, especially for you.” The lion was very happy. He kept both the parrots in a cage and ordered his servants to look after them well. The parrots were happy. One day, Mr. Wolf brought a black monkey and presented it to the king. The lion was amused to see the monkey’s activities. Soon the monkey became the centre of attraction. With the arrival of the monkey, the parrots were neglected. But they did not lose hope. They knew that, one day, they would gain attention again. One day, the monkey scared the lion prince. When king lion came to know about it, he ordered his soldiers to leave the monkey back in the forest. And the parrots were treated well again!

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