The Two Pots

Many years ago, a village was flooded due to heavy rainfall. Among many other things, two pots–a strong copper pot and a weak earthen one–were floating together on the water. The copper pot saw the earthen pot and said, “My friend, you are made of soft clay and are so weak. If you wish, come closer to me and I will protect you from harm.” The earthen pot replied, “Thank you for your kindness, my friend, but let me swim to the bank myself. Accidentally, if we crash into each other, I will shatter into a thousand tiny bits. If you really wish me well, please keep away from me.” The earthen pot began to swim towards the bank of the river. But, as the copper pot tried to swim, water got filled into it and the pot got drowned. However, the earthen pot reached the bank safely. Weakness is not in appearance.

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