As promised, God was too good to Sarah and blessed her with a son, whom she named as Isaac. Both Sarah and Abraham loved him a lot and ensured to provide him with whatever he asked for. However, Sarah was not happy when she saw Hagar’s son playing with her son. She wanted her husband to turn her out, as she disliked Ishmael. That night, God asked Abraham to let her go and He would take care of them. Though not happy he did exactly what God asked him to do. Hagar and her son wandered on the desert and when the water was exhausted they both were scared. Just then she heard God talking to her. He said not to be scared as God would take care of her and gift him a nation. She was happy and soon found a place to stay. Her son grew up to be a powerful man. He had many children and as promised God gave him a nation. Unlike Ishmael, Isaac had to face lots of challenges.
The Two Sons