The Two Toys

It was Baby Fred’s birthday. He got two cute gifts–a furry bear and a duck on wheels. The baby took the bear and started banging him on the floor. Then he squeezed the bear very hard. After that, he pulled the bear’s hair. The duck felt sorry for the bear. But finally, the baby felt sleepy. Mother came and laid the baby in the cot. Then she put the toys away in the cupboard. In the cupboard, the duck said to the bear, “Let me stitch you up. The baby has really made a mess of you.” The bear agreed. Soon, the duck had deftly stitched up the bear. The bear thanked the duck and said, “That baby is nasty.” The duck said, “Yes. But he is so beautiful when he is sleeping in his cot.” The two went quietly near the cot and saw the baby sleeping. The bear said, “You are right. He is like an angel.”

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