The Ugly Dog

The Ugly Dog

Once a man named Jolly was very much fond of animals. He had a dog named Maily, who was so ugly. Whenever anybody looked at him, he got disgusted and said, “What a repulsive dog!” But Maily was loved and looked after very much by his master. One day, he came to know about a dog show which was going to be held in the town on Sunday. He decided to participate in the competition with Maily. “He is never going to win a prize,” his friends laughed, “He is ugly.” But Jolly had made up his mind. However, at the show the lady who was in charge told him the same thing. Brokenhearted,

Jolly sat on the side with Maily, who licked his face to cheer him up. An old man had been watching them. He said, “There’s another competition in which you can enter with your dog—the competition for the Best Kept Dog.” Jolly did. To his delight, Maily came first. Jolly received the prize money proudly and Maily got a nice red collar.

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