A long time ago, there lived a Megalosaurus family. The small family was about to grow; the Mamma dinosaur has laid three big eggs and everyone was eagerly waiting for them to hatch. The Mamma dinosaur never left the nest; she’d lovingly stroke the eggs, sing melodious songs to them and hope for her babies to arrive soon. Soon enough, two of the eggs started cracking; elated Mamma dinosaur rushed to Papa dinosaur to share the exciting news. Jumping with joy, they returned to the nest only to be welcomed by the wailings of their two new-borns. Though happy yet the one un-cracked egg worried them. Days went by and they started losing hope until one day, as they carefully lifted the egg to take it to the dinosaur doctor, it cracked and out came the loudest cry a new-born ever gave, delighting all the dinosaurs around.
The Uncracked Egg