A prince went hunting in the forest with his men. While riding in the forest, they spotted a stag. The prince said to his huntsmen, “I want that stag’s head to adorn the walls of my palace!” The huntsmen and the prince chased the stag on their horses. The stag was too fast for them. After running a while, the stag saw some trees that were covered with vines. ‘They cannot find me here,’ he thought, and it hid behind the trees. Soon, the prince and his huntsmen reached the spot but they couldn’t find the stag and retreated. ‘Now, I am safe,’ thought the stag, and began munching on the vines. One of the huntsmen had stayed back, looking for the stag. When he heard the rustling of leaves, he followed the sound and shot the stag. The huntsman said, “You harmed yourself by harming the plant that gave you shelter.”
The Ungrateful Stag