One day, a man named Ali was cutting firewood in the mountains when he came across a small cave. He gathered courage, and walked towards the cave, to explore. To his delight, he found a lot of treasure inside. Ali quickly hid the treasure from everyone’s view and stood guard. From that day on, Ali lost all interest in his daily chores. He spent day and night near the cave, guarding it from robbers. He did not want anyone to find out about the treasure! He was so obsessed with the cave that he hardly drank or ate. Gradually, without food or water, he became so weak that he was about to die. When he could not move about at all, he realised that constantly guarding the cave for the treasure was not only useless but had also brought him to this painful end. He also understood that it was better to share than to keep things to oneself. So before he died, Ali told his friends about the treasure.
The Useless Treasure